
Friday, September 21, 2012

SharePoint 2013 Perview Ribbon new look

SharePoint 2013 Perview Ribbon new look

SharePoint 2013 has new options in page edit ribbon

few of the them
1.Popularity trends
2.Page History
3,Format Text( format the content)
4,Insert ( allows to add Tables ,Media,Links,Parts, Embedded code)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Using SPUser in SharePoint

Using SPUser in SharePoint

SharePoint Object Model using SPUser Class

SPUser is actually derived from SPPrinciple, SPUser is main base class which allows in extending its functionality by exposing its member and different properties.SharePoint object model has provided the provision to add the user programatically to sharepoint group or  permissions to user to a list,and it is possible to update the user information or fetch the user information.

The following sample code shows about how to display user permission is he in admin group or normal user
also it has the code to update the user information or giving the permission to a list


using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;

namespace SPUserDemo
    public class SPUserDemoWebPart: WebPart
protected override void CreateChildControls()
protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//Get the user  information
private void GetUser(HtmlTextWriter writer)
SPUser SPuser = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser;
writer.Write("<p>Ohh you are Super  admin user'</p>");
writer.Write("<p>No you are a normal user </p>");


 //Add  permissions to SharePoint list
Private void AddNewUser()
               const string listUsers = @"Users ";
               SPList  Users= null;
            delegate {
                          using (SPSite spSsite= new SPSite(“http://sitedemo”)) {
                                     using (SPWeb  spWeb= spSsite.OpenWeb) {
                                                spWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                                              Guid listGuidID = spWeb.Lists.Add listUsers,
                                             "Members", SPListTemplateType.GenericList);
                                              Users = spWeb.Lists[listGuidID];
                                             Users.Fields.Add("User", SPFieldType.User, true);
                                            Users.WriteSecurity = 4;

                   //update user email information
                         using (SPSite spSsite=new SPSite(“http://sitedemo”)) {
                              using (SPWeb  spWeb= spSsite.OpenWeb) {
                                        SPUser spUser = spWeb.AllUsers["ABCUser"];
                                              spUser.Email = " E-mail_Address";

Using SPQuery with ContentIterator.MaxItemsPerQuery in SharePoint

Using SPQuery with ContentIterator.MaxItemsPerQuery

1.       Using SPQuery with RowLimit or with ContentIterator.MaxItemsPerQuery
When we query the SharePoint list and libraries we use SPQuery and some situations because of threshold value limit in sharepoint does not allow the user to query more than or equal to 5000 items,If we use SPQuery  with RowLimit still it is not sure to get the items, but  there is still SharePoint has provide one more way can do it through using ContentIterator.MaxItemsPerQuery.

We also need to use different keywords using depends upon the requirement ContentIterator.ItemEnumerationOrderByID, ContentIterator.ItemEnumerationOrderByPath, or ContentIterator.ItemEnumerationOrderByNVPField.

Sample Code

SPQuery myQuery = new SPQuery();
myQuery.Query =
"<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=\"Name\"/><Value Type=\"Text\">FieldValue</Value></Eq></Where>"
+ ContentIterator. ItemEnumerationOrderByID;
ContentIterator citerator = new ContentIterator();
    delegate(SPListItem item)
        // Code for update or move the list item from one list to another or    //any operation
   // Return true so that ContentIterator rethrows the exception.
    delegate(SPListItem item, Exception e)
        // Handle an exception that was thrown while iterating.
        return true;

SharePoint 2013 preview in Cloud Share

SharePoint 2013 preview in the Cloud Share

Using SharePoint in the Cloud Computing site is really a good to start using SharePoint 2013 in Cloud Share ,there is a free 14 days trail version Cloud SharePoint 2013 preview.
This is really amazing site,this cloud system has got everything

Server has the following software's got installed 
1.SharePoint 2013 preview
2.Visual Studio 2012
3.SharePoint Designer 2012
4.SQL Server.

other softwares like PDF and other office tools.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Creating Site Collection in SharePoint 2013 Preview

Creating Site Collection in SharePoint 2013 Preview

What is new features in SharePoint 2013 Preview

This is my first post on SharePoint 2013 preview,the following are the steps to create new site collection in SharePoint 2013,Microsoft has provided more features and enhancements in SharePoint 2013 than the SharePoint 2010.

Please follow the steps to create a new site collection in SharePoint 2013

1.Go to Central Admin and click on create site collection.
2.Screen will appear to create a new site collection,it is found that now it has a provision to create new web application on site collection creation screen as shown in the screen shot.
2. There is new option to select the template type based on SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 also provided with more number of templates like one is “Developer  Site” and other as shown in the following picture.

3.Select the template which is required to create the site

4. Add the Site Collection Administrator account in primary site collection Administrator and secondary Site Collection Administrator

There is new feature in People picker, more advanced can be able to search people by Active directory,NT Account or even Claim Based User as shown in the following screens shots

Now Microsoft has provided one more feature by displaying the “Sorry to keep you waiting
as shown in the screen shot

Finally 5.Now new site collection is create successfully.

SPList.GetItemById and SPList.GetItemByIdSelectedFields

Using SPList.GetItemById and SPList.GetItemByIdSelectedFields

Difference between SPList.GetItemById and SPList.GetItemByIdSelectedFields

It is very important to consider about the performance when we are query the SPList using SharePoint Object Model, it is not recommended to fetch all items when you are using only one column SharePoint has provided the GetItemByIdSelectedFields which takes the arguments as ID and Field Names which is required.

SPList.GetItemByIdSelectedFields(ID,"Field 1","Field 2","Field3"... so on)

GetItemById method fetches the full item from SPListItemCollection, with all its columns of metadata,even though it may be not required for the any purpose of extra columns still SPListItem hold that values too. So it is required to use in more better way of both GetItemByIdSelectedFields and GetItemById based on the requirements

The following example shows the Employee List which is being query by using GetItemByIdSelectedFields

Let us say the Employee List has three columns

Employee List

Column Name
Employee Number
Employee Salary
Employee Designation
Single Line Of Text

Employee Number
Employee Salary
Employee Designation
Senior Software Engineer
Project Manager

The following code fetches

using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sampledemo /"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) {
SPList employeeList = web.Lists["Employee List"];
SPListItem  employeeItem= employeeList.GetItemByIdSelectedFields (2,” Employee Salary”);

Using ReadSecurity and WriteSecurity members in SharePoint

Using ReadSecurity and WriteSecurity members in SharePoint

ReadSecurity and WriteSecurity

Using the ReadSecurity we can specify the list permission as read only access to list created through programmatically, it will restrict the users for modifications to the items which they are not owners of that items.
Using  WriteSecurity we can allow the users to do modifications to list items which they are owners of the items when we create the list by using the SharePoint Object Model programmatically.
Sample demo code explains about the ReadSecurity  and WriteSecurity by creating reimbursement expense list in which employee who wants to claim their expanses will have the permission which they item and others will not have an access ,Creating it through console application.
//Create the SPSite by passing the url
Using(SPSite spSite=new SPSite(“http://demo/sites/HR”);
//Create new GUID
Guid  newListGuid=spWeb.Lists.Add(“ExpensesReimbursement”,” Expenses Reimbursement List”,SPListTemplateType. GenericList );
//open  site

Using (SPWeb spWeb=spSite.OpenWeb())
//Create new SPList by passing new GUID
SPList newInstanceList  =  spWeb.Lists[newListGuid];

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Using SPSite and SPWeb Objects in Sharepoint

Using SPSite and SPWeb Objects in SharePoint

SPSite is the most fundamental object of the SharePoint Object Model,SPSite object can be created using the overloaded constructors or it can be referenced by using unique ID GUID, or with URL
Overloaded methods
SPSite(Guid id)
SPSite(string requestUrl)
SPSite(Guid id, SPUrlZone zone)
SPSite(Guid id, SPUserToken userToken)
SPSite(string requestUrl, SPUserToken userToken)
SPSite(Guid id, SPUrlZone zone, SPUserToken userToken)
SPSite is the only through which we can access the SPWeb  because SPWeb does not have a constructor, There are way with which we can get the instance of SPWeb is through using “SPControl” and “SPContext
Some of the important members of SPWeb are
1.       Users
2.       Title
3.       Update
4.       Delete
5.       ContentTypes
6.       AllUnsafeUpdates
7.       List
8.       ID
9.       GetSiteData
And so on.

Sample code shows how to access the SPWeb using SPSite and display the title of the site collection and update the specific  Subsite Tilte
namespace SampleDemo
    public class Sample : WebPart
protected override void CreateChildControls()

       protected override void RenderContent(HtmlTextWriter writer)
SPSite mySiteCollection=null;
SPWeb mySPweb=null;
//Get the SPSite by passing the url
mySiteCollection = new SPSite("http://demoSite /")
Writer.Write(“I am in Site Collection”);
//print /display the current site collection title
Writer.Write ("My Current Site  Exist here: ", mySiteCollection.Url);
mySPweb = mySiteCollection.OpenWeb("MySubSite")
//Update the subsite title
                                mySPweb.Title = mySPweb.Title + " Hey I have changed the Title";
Catch(SPExecption exception)
Throw exception


Using SPFarm in SharePoint

Using SPFarm in SharePoint

How to use SPFarm

SPFarm is the top level object in SharePoint for any SharePoint installation involves the Farm configuration this is the main object through it is possible to identify collection of server running in the current SharePoint Farm

The sample demo shows how to access the SPFarm Object using SharePoint Object Model
The following sample demonstrate how we can iterate through the farm.Servers that is servers collection
And adding these information in two dictionaries


           SPFarm farm = SPFarm.Local;
            Dictionary<string, string> serversNames = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            Dictionary<string, string> serversAddress = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            int counter = 0;
            foreach (SPServer server in farm.Servers)
                serversNames.Add("Server Name : " + counter, server.Name);
                serversAddress.Add("Address of Server: " + counter, server.Address);

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fantastic 40 templates sharepoint 2010

Fantastic 40 templates sharepoint 2010

In C # Managing the Lifetime of Objects and Controlling Resources

In C # Managing the Lifetime of Objects and Controlling Resources

Garbage Collector

It is found that all the applications which we create use some resources.The resources fall into two broad categories:
1.managed resources that are handled by the common language runtime (CLR)
2.unmanaged resources that are maintained by the operating system outside the scope of the CLR.

A managed resource is typically an object based on a class defined by using a managed
language, such asC#.

Unmanaged resources include items implemented outside the Microsoft .NET Framework, which include such as Component Object Model (COM) components, file handles, database connections, and network
Managing resources is important in any applications development,that you develop.
Microsoft has provided “GC” which is called “Garbage Collector “ it facilities  by automatically reclaiming the resources by a managed object when it is no longer referenced by an applica
tion.Managed resources are handled by the .NET Framework garbage collector.However, unmanaged resources are not controlled by the garbage collector; it must take special steps to dispose of them properly and prevent them from being held longer than necessary.

Object life Cycle

An object has several distinct stages in its life cycle, which starts at creation and
ends in destruction. Creating an object is very simple; the new keyword to instantiate the new object. However, the process that you use to create an object is not really this simple. When we create a
new object, It follows the following steps:

1. A big block of memory will be allocated to hold the object.

2. The object is initialized. The block of memory is converted to an object.
The runtime handles the allocation of memory for managed objects.

Destroying an Object

When you have finished with an object, it can be destroyed.
We use destruction to reclaim any resources used by that object. Like creation,
destruction is a two-phase process:

1. The object is cleaned up; for example, by releasing any unmanaged resources
used by the application, such as file handles and database connections.

2. The memory used by the object is reclaimed.You can control only the first of these steps—cleaning up the object and releasing resources by implementing a destructor.
The CLR handles the release of memory used by managed objects

Using IDisposable Interface

The IDisposable interface defines a single method called Dispose, which takes do not take any
parameters. The Dispose method should release all of the unmanaged resources that an object owns. It should also release all resources owned by its base types by calling the Dispose method of the parent type.Visual C# includes constructs that ensure that resources are released in a timely
fashion for classes that implement the IDisposable interface.

Sample Demo

class Employee : IDisposable
bool isDisposed = false;
string name;
public Employee(string Name)
name = Name;
public void PaySalary()
if (!isDisposed)
Console.WriteLine("Employee {0} paid.", name);
throw new ObjectDisposedException("Employee already
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool IsDisposing)
if (IsDisposing)
isDisposed = true;
Console.WriteLine("Employee object disposed.");

Create WCF Service and Host in SharePoint

Create WCF Service and Host in SharePoint

Creating a custom SharePoint WCF Service

There are situations where SharePoint could be acting as a data store providing your business data
to external applications or any web service or any components. These applications requesting data may need to provide information  on having a valid subscription or license before accessing the data. The out-of-the-box web services will not provide you a way to verify this information before allowing access. There may also be a scenario where you may want to strip out confidential information from the list
before passing the data to these external applications. In these scenarios, you can create
your own custom web service which could validate the credentials, or strip out the confidential
data before passing the information to these external applications.

In this example, we will create a custom SharePoint WCF service which returns us the string.This service is 
being host in _layout\_vti_bin directory in internet manager IIS.

Steps to Create a WCF Service:

In order to create a custom SharePoint WCF service,follow the following steps:

1. Open Visual Studio 2010 and create an empty SharePoint project.

2. Name the project CustomWCF. Deploy the solution as the farm solution.
3. Add a SharePoint mapped folder for ISAPI. In this folder, create a folder
named CustomWCF.
4. Add an empty text file named CustomWCF.svc to the CustomWCF folder
underneath ISAPI.
5. Add a new item to the project and select the WCF Service template in the Visual
6. This will add three files to your project namely: CustomWCF.cs, ICustomWCF.cs,
and app.config.
7. Move the app.config file from the root folder to the ISAPI\CustomWCF folder in
the project and rename it web.config.
8. Build your project.
9. Open the Visual Studio command prompt and navigate to the bin\debug
directory of your project and execute the following command to get the public
key token of the assembly:
Sn –T CustomWCF.dll
10. Add the following line to the CustomWCF.svc file and add the public key token
obtained from the previous step:
<%@ ServiceHost Debug="true" Language="C#" Service="CustomWCF.
CustomWCF, CustomWCF, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyT
oken=2832c7898c525539" CodeBehind="CustomWCF.cs" %>
11. The default DoWork method the Visual Studio added to ICustomWCF.cs returns string
12. Make the same change in the CustomWCF.cs file as well. This is the file where
the interface is implemented. Add the following line of code as shown in the

sample code
public string GetData(int value)
            return string.Format("You entered: {0}", value);

13. Add the AspNetComaptibility attribute to the class that is implementing the
interface. So your CustomWCF.cs
class should look as follows:
using System.ServiceModel.Activation;
namespace CustomWCF
    // NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the class name "Service1" in code, svc and config file together.
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode =
    public class CustomWCF : ICustomWCF
        public string GetData(int value)
            return string.Format("You entered: {0}", value);

        public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
            if (composite == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("composite");
            if (composite.BoolValue)
                composite.StringValue += "Suffix";
            return composite;
14. Build and deploy the application. You should now be able to access this WCF service
from the browser by typing in the URL: http://servername/_vti_bin/

15. Screenshot similar to the following