
Friday, December 23, 2011

MCTS Books for Guide: Exam 70-667 and 70-573 And 70-576

Mcts Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-667 (With CD)


James Pyles cost about

Rs. 617
See link Books

Sharepoint 2010 Developer's Certification: Certification Toolkit For Exams

70-573 And 70-576

See link Books

Sharepoint Interview Questions Books

I Found one book on sharepoint interview Questions see link
Sharepoint interview Questions

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Implementing Rhino Mocks Using Visual Studio with Repository and Service Test Cases

Implementing Rhino Mocks Using Visual Studio with Repository

and Service Test Cases

This is an Example used for to explain about how to create Repository and Service Test cases using Rhino Mocks

Common Objects


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects
public class EmployeeFilter
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string EmployeeDept { get; set; }


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects

public class MessageException : Exception
public MessageException(string message)
: base(message)





using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects
public class ServiceFault
public MessageException FaultException { get

; set; }



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects
public class UniversityEmployeeDo
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

public string EmployeeName{get;set;}
public string EmployeeDepartment { get; set; }



using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects

public class UniversityEmployeeDTO
private List _employees;

public List Employees
get { return _employees; }
set { _employees = value; }



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository.Interface
public interface IUniversityEmployeeRep
List GetEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter);
UniversityEmployeeDo UpdateEmployee(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter, UniversityEmployeeDo employeeDo);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository.Interface;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository
public class UniversityEmployeeRep : IUniversityEmployeeRep

public List GetEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter)
List employees = new List();
SqlConnection con =
new SqlConnection("Data Source=XYZ;Initial Catalog=EmployeeDB;Integrated Security=True");
string commandText = "select * from dbo.Employee where EmployeeId=" + employeeFilter.EmployeeId;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, con);
SqlDataReader dr;
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
UniversityEmployeeDo employeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
employeeDo.EmployeeId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EmployeeId"]);
employeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = dr["EmployeeName"].ToString();
employeeDo.EmployeeName = dr["EmployeeDepartment"].ToString();
return employees;

public UniversityEmployeeDo UpdateEmployee(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter, UniversityEmployeeDo employeeDo)
throw new NotImplementedException();



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.Manager.Interface
public interface IUniversityEmployeeManager
List GEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository.Interface;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.Manager.Interface;

namespace EmployeeInformation.Manager
public class UniversityEmployeeManager:IUniversityEmployeeManager
private IUniversityEmployeeRep _employee;

public IUniversityEmployeeRep Employee
set { _employee = value; }
public List GEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter)
_employee = new UniversityEmployeeRep();
return _employee.GetEmployees(employeeFilter);

Let me create the service


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository;

namespace EmployeeInformation.EmployeeService.Interface
// NOTE: If you change the interface name "IService1" here, you must also update the reference to "IService1" in App.config.
public interface IUniversityEmployeeService
List GetEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter);

UniversityEmployeeDo UpdateEmployee(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter);

// Use a data contract as illustrated in the sample below to add composite types to service operations



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ServiceModel;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects;
using EmployeeInformation.EmployeeService.Interface;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository.Interface;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.Manager.Interface;

namespace UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeService.Service
// NOTE: If you change the class name "Service1" here, you must also update the reference to "Service1" in App.config.
public class UniversityEmployeeService : IUniversityEmployeeService
private IUniversityEmployeeRep _employeeRepository;
private ServiceFault _fault;

public UniversityEmployeeService()
_employeeRepository = new UniversityEmployeeRep();

public UniversityEmployeeService(IUniversityEmployeeRep employee)
_employeeRepository = employee;
private IUniversityEmployeeManager _employeeManager;
public List GetEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter)

return _employeeRepository.GetEmployees(employeeFilter);

public UniversityEmployeeDo UpdateEmployee(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter)

if (employeeFilter.EmployeeId <= 0) { throw new MessageException("Invalid EmployeeId"); } UniversityEmployeeDo employee = _employeeRepository.GetEmployees(employeeFilter)[0]; UniversityEmployeeDo employeeDo = _employeeRepository.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter, employee); return employeeDo; } catch (Exception ex) { _fault = new ServiceFault(){FaultException = (MessageException) ex}; throw new FaultException(_fault, new FaultReason(string.Empty));



Let us create Service Test Project

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.CommonObjects;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeService.Service;

using NUnit;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Rhino.Mocks;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository;
using UniversityEmployeeInformation.UniversityEmployeeRepository.Interface;

namespace UniversityEmployeeServiceTest

[TestFixture, System.ComponentModel.Description("EmployeeRepository Test")]
public class UniversityEmployeeServiceTest
private MockRepository _mockRepository;
private UniversityEmployeeService _employeeService;
private ServiceFault _fault;

public void TestFixtureTearDown()


public void Initialize()

_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService { };
_mockRepository = new MockRepository();

public void GetEmployeeServiceIntegrationTest()
EmployeeFilter employeeFilter = new EmployeeFilter();
employeeFilter.EmployeeId = 1223;
_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService();
List employees = _employeeService.GetEmployees(employeeFilter);
public void GetEmployee_ReturnsExpected_Employee()
var employees = new List();
var employeeDo1 = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
var employeeDo2 = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
employeeDo1.EmployeeId = 1223;
employeeDo1.EmployeeName = "ABC";
employeeDo1.EmployeeDepartment = "XYZ";
employeeDo2.EmployeeId = 123443;
employeeDo2.EmployeeName = "XYZ";
employeeDo2.EmployeeDepartment = "HIK";

var mockEmployeeRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();
_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService(mockEmployeeRepository);
var employeeFilter = new EmployeeFilter() { };
using (_mockRepository.Ordered())

List employeesResult = _employeeService.GetEmployees(employeeFilter);
Assert.AreSame(employees, employeesResult);


public void GetEmployee_ReturnsNotExpected_Employee_ServiceMockTest()
var actualemployees = new List();
var returnemployees = new List();
var employeeDo1 = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
var employeeDo2 = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
employeeDo1.EmployeeId = 1223;
employeeDo1.EmployeeName = "ABC";
employeeDo1.EmployeeDepartment = "XYZ";
employeeDo2.EmployeeId = 123443;
employeeDo2.EmployeeName = "XYZ";
employeeDo2.EmployeeDepartment = "HIK";
var mockEmployeeRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();
_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService(mockEmployeeRepository);
var employeeFilter = new EmployeeFilter() { EmployeeId = 123443 };
using (_mockRepository.Ordered())

List employeesResult = _employeeService.GetEmployees(employeeFilter);
Assert.AreNotEqual(actualemployees, employeesResult);


public void UpdateEmployee_Will_Return_EmployeeDo_with_Updates()

var inputEmployeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
List employeeList = new List();
var updatedEmployeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeId = 1223;
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeName = "ABC";
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = "BPO";
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeId = 1223;
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeName = "ABC";
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = "DEVELOPMENT";
var mockEmployeeRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();
_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService(mockEmployeeRepository);
var employeeFilter = new EmployeeFilter() { EmployeeId = 123 };
using (_mockRepository.Ordered())
Expect.Call(mockEmployeeRepository.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter, inputEmployeeDo)).Return(updatedEmployeeDo);

UniversityEmployeeDo employee
= _employeeService.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter);

Assert.AreSame(updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment, employee.EmployeeDepartment);

[ExpectedException(typeof(MessageException), ExpectedMessage = "Invalid EmployeeId")]
public void Update_Employee_will_Return_Excception_If_The_EmployeeId_Is_Less_than_OR_equalToZero()
var inputEmployeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
List employeeList = new List();
var updatedEmployeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeId = 1223;
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeName = "ABC";
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = "BPO";
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeId = 1223;
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeName = "ABC";
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = "DEVELOPMENT";
var mockEmployeeRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();
_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService(mockEmployeeRepository);
var employeeFilter = new EmployeeFilter() { EmployeeId = -1235 };
using (_mockRepository.Ordered())
Expect.Call(mockEmployeeRepository.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter, inputEmployeeDo)).Return(updatedEmployeeDo);

UniversityEmployeeDo employee
= _employeeService.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter);

catch (Exception ex)
throw ((System.ServiceModel.FaultException) (ex)).Detail.

This is a different kind of architecture where there will be Repository,Manager ,Comon Objects,DTOs and Service,
I used all these and created advance Mock Test cases for Service ,I used an example called UniversityEmployee Information
First part explains about the Domain Common Objects UniversityEmployeeDo which has the three properties

public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string EmployeeName{get;set;}
public string EmployeeDepartment { get; set; }
And also a EmployeeFilter Do with two Properties
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
public string EmployeeDept { get; set; }
i also added MessageException and a DTO
This is the Repository where we access the database or Update the database and so
I created an interface IUniversityEmployeeRep where i declared two methods
List GetEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter);
UniversityEmployeeDo UpdateEmployee(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter, UniversityEmployeeDo employeeDo);

If you Observed the two Methods in implementation
The first one
public List GetEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter)
List employees = new List();
SqlConnection con =
new SqlConnection("Data Source=ABRAR-PC;Initial Catalog=EmployeeDB;Integrated Security=True");
string commandText = "select * from dbo.Employee where EmployeeId=" + employeeFilter.EmployeeId;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, con);
SqlDataReader dr;
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
UniversityEmployeeDo employeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
employeeDo.EmployeeId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EmployeeId"]);
employeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = dr["EmployeeName"].ToString();
employeeDo.EmployeeName = dr["EmployeeDepartment"].ToString();
return employees;

Here, I am returning the employee list fetching from the database,there is another method
public UniversityEmployeeDo UpdateEmployee(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter, UniversityEmployeeDo employeeDo)
throw new NotImplementedException();
UpdateEmployee which is not yet implemented and it has NotImplementedException throw Exception

I am using these two repository methods directly in Service
I created Service called UniversityEmployeeService which is a WCF Service and has two methods
// NOTE: If you change the interface name "IService1" here, you must also update the reference to "IService1" in App.config.
public interface IUniversityEmployeeService
List GetEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter);

UniversityEmployeeDo UpdateEmployee(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter);
And In Service
private IUniversityEmployeeRep _employeeRepository;
private ServiceFault _fault;

public UniversityEmployeeService()
_employeeRepository = new UniversityEmployeeRep();

public UniversityEmployeeService(IUniversityEmployeeRep employee)
_employeeRepository = employee;
private IUniversityEmployeeManager _employeeManager;
public List GetEmployees(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter)

return _employeeRepository.GetEmployees(employeeFilter);

public UniversityEmployeeDo UpdateEmployee(EmployeeFilter employeeFilter)

if (employeeFilter.EmployeeId <= 0) { throw new MessageException("Invalid EmployeeId"); } UniversityEmployeeDo employee = _employeeRepository.GetEmployees(employeeFilter)[0]; UniversityEmployeeDo employeeDo = _employeeRepository.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter, employee); return employeeDo; } catch (Exception ex) { _fault = new ServiceFault(){FaultException = (MessageException) ex}; throw new FaultException(_fault, new FaultReason(string.Empty));

In Service I created Service constructor where I am going to inject the Mock Repository

In this Service I have two methods
1. GetEmployees
2. UpdateEmployee
Since i added Repository code in GetEmployee but i have not yet added and any logic in Updated Employee Repository method,but i create the update service method,i know what validations i need to put and check for the employee in Mock service Test case

Let us now work around the mock test cases
public void GetEmployee_ReturnsExpected_Employee()
var employees = new List();
var employeeDo1 = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
var employeeDo2 = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
employeeDo1.EmployeeId = 1223;
employeeDo1.EmployeeName = "ABC";
employeeDo1.EmployeeDepartment = "XYZ";
employeeDo2.EmployeeId = 123443;
employeeDo2.EmployeeName = "XYZ";
employeeDo2.EmployeeDepartment = "HIK";

var mockEmployeeRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();
_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService(mockEmployeeRepository);
var employeeFilter = new EmployeeFilter() { };
using (_mockRepository.Ordered())

List employeesResult = _employeeService.GetEmployees(employeeFilter);
Assert.AreSame(employees, employeesResult);


In this test case GetEmployee_ReturnsExpected_Employee will returns me the expected employee
I declare two Employees
var employeeDo1 = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
var employeeDo2 = new UniversityEmployeeDo(); and added to a list
and in Mock test i am asking return me only these two employees
and it will return me only these two employees without fetching it from the database because i mock the employee Repository Using
var mockEmployeeRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();

In this my test case will be always pass ,it will be failed if someone changes the logic in Service
There is another benefit of using mock is that I explain in the next test case
public void UpdateEmployee_Will_Return_EmployeeDo_with_Updates()

var inputEmployeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
List employeeList = new List();
var updatedEmployeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeId = 1223;
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeName = "ABC";
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = "BPO";
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeId = 1223;
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeName = "ABC";
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = "DEVELOPMENT";
var mockEmployeeRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();
_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService(mockEmployeeRepository);
var employeeFilter = new EmployeeFilter() { EmployeeId = 123 };
using (_mockRepository.Ordered())
Expect.Call(mockEmployeeRepository.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter, inputEmployeeDo)).Return(updatedEmployeeDo);

UniversityEmployeeDo employee
= _employeeService.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter);

Assert.AreSame(updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment, employee.EmployeeDepartment);

In this test case _ UpdateEmployee_Will_Return_EmployeeDo_with_Updates()
I am askign to update the employee and return me updated UniversityEmployeeDo

For Exception Test case we can write like this I created one test case
[ExpectedException(typeof(MessageException), ExpectedMessage = "Invalid EmployeeId")]
public void Update_Employee_will_Return_Excception_If_The_EmployeeId_Is_Less_than_OR_equalToZero()

var inputEmployeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
List employeeList = new List();
var updatedEmployeeDo = new UniversityEmployeeDo();
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeId = 1223;
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeName = "ABC";
inputEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = "BPO";
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeId = 1223;
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeName = "ABC";
updatedEmployeeDo.EmployeeDepartment = "DEVELOPMENT";
var mockEmployeeRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();
_employeeService = new UniversityEmployeeService(mockEmployeeRepository);
var employeeFilter = new EmployeeFilter() { EmployeeId = -1235 };
using (_mockRepository.Ordered())
Expect.Call(mockEmployeeRepository.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter, inputEmployeeDo)).Return(updatedEmployeeDo);

UniversityEmployeeDo employee
= _employeeService.UpdateEmployee(employeeFilter);


This Test case say throw MessageException if i passed a Invalid employee Id

Working Solution will be provide based on your demand
on comments

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sharepoint Object Model

Introduction to Sharepoint Object Model

Sharepoint Object Model can be implemented using both at client and at server side where in sharepoint 2010 introduce the Client Object Model,
Sharepoint object model is heart of sharepoint programming and sharepoint stuff,it is mainly deals with Sharepoint Objects which i am going to disscuss more in next few minutes

Microsoft Company has spent a very huge amount of time developing .NET namespaces for SharePoint which includes both the versions Moss 2007 and Sharepoint 2010.
Since Microsoft has provide a set of namespaces which allows programmer to have an access to a Windows Sharepoint Services or Sharepoint Foundation and Sharepoint 2010 or Sharepoint 2007
The SharePoint Services object model is extensive, to say the least.
There are lots of namespaces within the object model and dozens of classes covering most of the
features of SharePoint 2010 and 2007. To understand the architectural design makes it impractical to study the object model directly. Instead of that it is better to use the object model to solve categories of solutions that we are creating.

using the objects in the SharePoint model is done in a similar manner as we do to any hierarchical object model
The key to navigating such a model
is to find the starting point for the model. In SharePoint, this is done through the ASP.NET
Context object using the following code:
SPSite site = SPControl.GetContextSite(Context);
there is one more class SPControl which inherities from the namespace Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls,we are not required to create an instace of the Spcontrol object,simply use GetContextSite method provided and use and pass the Context property
which comes from the namespace System.Web.UI.Page,which will available to Webpart and Pages

site collection which holds all lists and other stuff.
SPSite objects contain information about the site collection and the sites within it. In
order to access any particular site in the collection, you must return a collection of SPWeb
objects. You may then access the individual web sites by enumerating them or accessing
one directly through an index like
SPWeb site = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);

Accessing Lists and List Items

Usually site collections,holes information about access lists and list items ,where we use mainly to accss list information frequently.When we are working with mainly
with lists,we are interested in a particular site rather than a site collection. Usually we do a
a reference to an individual site by using the GetContextWeb method of the SPControl object.
Once a site is open,We may access all of the lists it contains through the SPListCollection
object. Each site collection holds an SPList object for every list on the web site. Let us consider the example of partial code sample

SPWeb site = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);
SPListCollection lists= site.Lists;
foreach(SPList list in lists)
//add code here
I just list out the few lists here where we use object model more frequently
Annocement List

Will be discuss more in future posts

Assert and Descriptions,in Implementing Rhino Mocks Using Visual Studio

Ordered and Unordered

This helps in how the methods are being called,you can specify ordered or Unordered
Ordered--> it will check for same order which you specify in you mock test case with your actual method calling methods and objects
UnOrdered:->you no need to specify the order of the methods in mock test and it will will execute by default order


Expect call will check for specified method is being called for example the test case public void GetStudentMockTest() in my earlier post i declared
here i am asking my test case to see in my service method it calls the GetStudentDetails() method,
It will return me student1 object

How to use for Call Repetition

Repeat.Any is mainly every important when you have test case where you are using foreach
for example let us say you have method call insertnew student record
and you have service where you are inserting multiple records at one time

public string submitStudnetRecors(List students)

foreach(studnet in students)
StudentBal student=new StudentBal();


In this your repository would be like this


and other
Repeat.Once() ==> the default
Repeat.Any() ==> for number of times
Repeat.Times(2, int.MaxValue)

Mock test with Void Methods

Sometimes we may also face situation where we want to do a mock test for void methods
public void sendEmail(emailDO)
your code here;
in this case you need to declare like this
Expect.Call(() => mailRepository.sendEmail(emailDO))

Ignore Argument Constraints

Expect.Call(mockRepository.GetEmployeeDetails(EmployeeId)).Return(EmployeeObject) IgnoreArguments()

Here IgnoreArguments() is the keyword used here it will just ignore any arguments we passed ,and it just return whatever we mentioned in the Return, example here it just returns the EmployeeObject Return(EmployeeObject)

Some More Useful Assert statements

Is.Equal(3) ,Is.NotEqual(42) (this is applicable even for objects but need to write equal override for the object
Is.Same(obj) for objects
Is.NotSame(obj) ) for objects
Is.Null() it Checks for NULL values

Text.StartsWith("hi Rhino Mock");
Text.EndsWith("Good Bye");
Text.Contains("Sachin Tendulkar");

For Exception Type Testing for Rhino Mock Test cases

[ExpectedException(typeof(BusinessException), ExpectedMessage = "Invalid EmployeeId")]
public void Update_Employee_will_Return_Excception_If_The_EmployeeId_Is_Less_than_OR_equalToZero()
//Test Case code here where exception occurs and will check for exception type and message if any

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Creating SharePoint 2010 Visual Web Parts in Visual Studio 2010

Create SharePoint 2010 Visual Web Parts in Visual Studio 2010

This is my first post on sharepoint 2010,I am creating a sharepoint 2010 visual webpart using visual studio 2010

1.Select Visual Studio 2010

figure 1

As shown in the figure 1

Give some name say HelloWorldVisualWebpart and click on for next screen,the screen will be similar like this as shown in figure 2

Figure 2

It is noticed that Deployed as Sandboxed Solution is Gray Out since visual webpart cannot be deployed as sandboxed solution.

Click Next solution Exloper will be displayed similar to shown in figure 3


Figure 3

You could Noticed that it creates files

1. Elements.xml

2. VisualWebPart1.cs

3. VisualWebPart1.webpart

4. VisualWebPart1UserControl.asx controls

It is also noticed that

The ascx control will be deployed in the following following folder


Let us write the code in VisualWebpart .cs file

using System;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;

using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebC


namespace HelloWorldVisualWebpart.VisualWebPart1



public class VisualWebPart1 : WebPart


// Visual Studio might automatically update this path when you change the Visual Web Part project item.

private const string _ascxPath = @"~/_CONTROLTEMPLATES/HelloWorldVisualWebpart/VisualWebPart1/VisualWebPart1UserControl.ascx";

protected override void CreateChildControls()


Control control = Page.LoadControl(_ascxPath);

Label lbl = new Label();







I added the code in create Child Controls method which is similar to page load method in normal Page,

I declared the Control variable and load the Ascx control,and also i created lable

Label lbl = new Label();

This statement will create a lable and i added the text to lable text and finally i added lable to contol.

Now Build the Soultion using Option Build which internally creates WSP solution and also it will deploy as Farm Solution , coding for Visual Webpart is completed

Deploy webpart and Add a Webpart in Home Page

In Galleries Section Click on Webparts which will displayed list of Webparts already deployed in the Portal.

Now we are deploying our webpart in the Home Page i used Home page in this example you can deploy the webpart on any page as you like,depends on the requirements,by default the webpart will be in Custom Category,if you want to make the changes like Title and description of webpart can also be possible by editing the webpart properties.

Now i deploye the webpart in Home Page it looks similar to like this

Next will be more advance topics in sharepoint i am going to post soon.....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Best Practices using Visual Studio 2010 --

Best Practices using Visual Studio 2010 --

Good one can Registration for all lead ,develBulleted Listoper or testers can register , to know more best practices using Visual Studio 2010 for all locations ,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Mumbai

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Implementing Rhino Mocks Using Visual Studio .Net

Part One

Implementing Rhino Mocks Using Visual Studio .Net

Working with Rhino Mocks Using Visual Studio .Net 2010

Today i woked around on Rhino Mocks,I feel like to post this on Blog ,Rhino Mocks are best
to implement mock testing for your code.Since Rhino mocks are available at free of cost and easy to implement

I divided this topic into two parts
Today i am posting part one

(Recently added part3)
Implementing Mock Test cases for Repository in WCF Service,Please read it if you have time to know more about Repository Test cases ,Click here

How to implement Repository Mock Test cases in WCF Service

Topics in Discussion

Introduction to Rhino Mock.

Why we need Rhino Mock.
State Versus Behavior verification
How to setup Rhino Mock for Nuint
Rhino Mock Test cases Examples

Rhino Mocks are the Mock object Framework used for Test-Driven Development, it is used to Mock the actual (or Real object ) to a fake object in Unit Testing

Why we need Rhino Mock.
The real object has nondeterministic behavior (it produces
unpredictable results, like a stock-market quote
The real object is difcult to set up.
The real object has behavior that is hard to trigger (for
example, a network error).
The real object is slow.
The real object has (or is) a user interface.
The test needs to ask the real object about how it was
used (for example, a test might need to conrm that a
callback function was actually called).
The real object does not yet exist (a common problem
when interfacing with other teams or new hardware systems).

State versus Behavior Verification
A Mock Object Framework such as Rhino Mocks can be used to perform two very different types of unit tests. You can use Rhino Mocks to perform either state or behavior verification
When performing state-based verification, the final statement in your unit test is typically an assert statement that asserts that some condition is truefication
When performing behavior verification (an interaction test), on the other hand, you are interested in verifying that a set of objects behave and interact in a particular way.

How to Setup Rhino Mocks in Visual Studio Solution

Rhino Mock Set Up
Using mock objects, we can get around all of these problems.
The three key steps to using mock objects for testing are:
1. Use an interface to describe the object
2. Implement the interface for your code
3. Implement the interface in a mock object for testing

Rhino Mocks was created and it is maintained by Ayende Rahien (AKA Oren Eini). You can download Rhino Mocks from the following URL:
There is a Google group devoted to discussing Rhino Mocks (Ayende Rahien is an active participant) at:
Rhino Mocks does not include an installer. After you download and unzip Rhino Mocks, you can use Rhino Mocks in a project by adding a reference to the Rhino.Mocks.dll assembly. There is also an XML file included with the download that provides Intellisense for Rhino Mocks within Visual Studio.

I used two types of solutions one is using Layer architecture Solution

In this exmple need Nunit Tool to run the test cases


I Created Student information

1.Create a Sevice Layer Project
2.Create BAL Layer Project
3.Create DAL Layer Project
4.Create a Nunit Testing Project

Let us create a Repostiory BAL class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CommonObjects
public class Student
public int StudentId { get; set; }
public string StudentName { get; set; }

This will be an Interface
namespace BAL
public interface IStudent
CommonObjects.Student GetStudentDetails();

i am inheriting the interface
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using CommonObjects;
namespace BAL
public class Student:IStudent
public CommonObjects.Student GetStudentDetails()
throw new NotImplementedException();

In this i just created one student Details method which will fetch student details let us say it is a

GetStudentDetails() and it has not implemented any code

Let us i want to using this method in Service
and service will look like this


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;

namespace Services.StudentService
// NOTE: If you change the interface name "IService1" here, you must also update the reference to "IService1" in App.config.
public interface IService
List GetStudentList();


Service file

  1. using System.Collections.Generic;
  2. using BAL;
  3. using Services.StudentService;
  4. using Student = CommonObjects.Student;

  5. namespace Services.StudentService
  6. {
  7. public class Service : IService
  8. {
  9. private IStudent _student;
  10. public Service()
  11. {
  12. _student =new BAL.Student();
  13. }
  14. public Service(IStudent student)
  15. {
  16. _student = student;
  17. }
  18. public List GetStudentList()
  19. {
  20. List students = new List();
  21. CommonObjects.Student student = _student.GetStudentDetails();
  22. students.Add(student);
  23. return students;
  24. }

  25. }
  26. }

In the Above service i created two constructor

public Service()
Service(IStudent student)

This will help me to inject the mock class then call the actual method class
which will replace the mock repository

In the method name public List GetStudentList()

i am using getting the list of student using this method
CommonObjects.Student student = _student.GetStudentDetails();
and i am adding it to a list of students,Here GetStudentDetails() is still not implemented but still i can write a unit test case and can say please return me the list of students what i am expecting this method to return me,thats way the development will not have any dependency in writing the unit test case

The Test case will look like this

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using CommonObjects;
using BAL;
using DAL;
using NUnit;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Rhino.Mocks;
using Services.StudentService;
using Student = CommonObjects.Student;

namespace DemoMockTest
[TestFixture, System.ComponentModel.Description("")]
public class StudentTest
private MockRepository _mockRepository;
private Service _studentService;
public void TestFixtureTearDown()


public void Initialize()

_studentService = new Service();
_mockRepository = new MockRepository();

public void GetStudentMockTest()
CommonObjects.Student student1=new Student();
CommonObjects.Student student2 = new Student();
List students = new List();
var mockStudentRepository = _mockRepository.StrictMock();
_studentService = new Service(mockStudentRepository);
using (_mockRepository.Ordered())
List resltedstudents = _studentService.GetStudentList();


I am also including the solution of this exmple

In My next Blog i am going explain more about mock Repository test cases For More Information on Rhino Mocks on Part Two