Ordered and Unordered
This helps in how the methods are being called,you can specify ordered or Unordered
Ordered--> it will check for same order which you specify in you mock test case with your actual method calling methods and objects
UnOrdered:->you no need to specify the order of the methods in mock test and it will will execute by default order
Ordered--> it will check for same order which you specify in you mock test case with your actual method calling methods and objects
UnOrdered:->you no need to specify the order of the methods in mock test and it will will execute by default order
Expect call will check for specified method is being called for example the test case public void GetStudentMockTest() in my earlier post i declared
here i am asking my test case to see in my service method it calls the GetStudentDetails() method,
It will return me student1 object
here i am asking my test case to see in my service method it calls the GetStudentDetails() method,
It will return me student1 object
How to use for Call Repetition
Repeat.Any is mainly every important when you have test case where you are using foreach
for example let us say you have method call insertnew student record
and you have service where you are inserting multiple records at one time
public string submitStudnetRecors(List students)
foreach(studnet in students)
StudentBal student=new StudentBal();
In this your repository would be like this
and other
Repeat.Once() ==> the default
Repeat.Any() ==> for number of times
Repeat.Times(2, int.MaxValue)
Repeat.Any is mainly every important when you have test case where you are using foreach
for example let us say you have method call insertnew student record
and you have service where you are inserting multiple records at one time
public string submitStudnetRecors(List
foreach(studnet in students)
StudentBal student=new StudentBal();
In this your repository would be like this
and other
Repeat.Once() ==> the default
Repeat.Any() ==> for number of times
Repeat.Times(2, int.MaxValue)
Mock test with Void Methods
Sometimes we may also face situation where we want to do a mock test for void methods
public void sendEmail(emailDO)
your code here;
in this case you need to declare like this
Expect.Call(() => mailRepository.sendEmail(emailDO))
public void sendEmail(emailDO)
your code here;
in this case you need to declare like this
Expect.Call(() => mailRepository.sendEmail(emailDO))
Ignore Argument Constraints
Expect.Call(mockRepository.GetEmployeeDetails(EmployeeId)).Return(EmployeeObject) IgnoreArguments()
Here IgnoreArguments() is the keyword used here it will just ignore any arguments we passed ,and it just return whatever we mentioned in the Return, example here it just returns the EmployeeObject Return(EmployeeObject)
Here IgnoreArguments() is the keyword used here it will just ignore any arguments we passed ,and it just return whatever we mentioned in the Return, example here it just returns the EmployeeObject Return(EmployeeObject)
Some More Useful Assert statements
Is.Equal(3) ,Is.NotEqual(42) (this is applicable even for objects but need to write equal override for the object
Is.Same(obj) for objects
Is.NotSame(obj) ) for objects
Is.Null() it Checks for NULL values
Text.StartsWith("hi Rhino Mock");
Text.EndsWith("Good Bye");
Text.Contains("Sachin Tendulkar");
Is.Equal(3) ,Is.NotEqual(42) (this is applicable even for objects but need to write equal override for the object
Is.Same(obj) for objects
Is.NotSame(obj) ) for objects
Is.Null() it Checks for NULL values
Text.StartsWith("hi Rhino Mock");
Text.EndsWith("Good Bye");
Text.Contains("Sachin Tendulkar");
For Exception Type Testing for Rhino Mock Test cases
[ExpectedException(typeof(BusinessException), ExpectedMessage = "Invalid EmployeeId")]
public void Update_Employee_will_Return_Excception_If_The_EmployeeId_Is_Less_than_OR_equalToZero()
//Test Case code here where exception occurs and will check for exception type and message if any
[ExpectedException(typeof(BusinessException), ExpectedMessage = "Invalid EmployeeId")]
public void Update_Employee_will_Return_Excception_If_The_EmployeeId_Is_Less_than_OR_equalToZero()
//Test Case code here where exception occurs and will check for exception type and message if any
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